[内務卿・大蔵卿宛 鍋島県令・原書記官連名の「内申」書]〔写〕 / A confidential report under joint signature of the Prefectural Governor Nabeshima and the Senior Executive Secretary Hara to both the Minister of the Home Affairs and the Minister of the Finance (a copy)
明治14(1881)年1月21日付、内務卿・大蔵卿宛 鍋島県令・原書記官連名の「内申」書の写しである。鍋島県政に対する世間の誹謗に対して、事実無根であると反論を徹底して書いている。世間がこの誹謗を信じてしまったら、我々の努力が無になり、名誉がけがされ、かつ朝廷の恩を汚すことになるので、この際速やかに辞職の取計をして欲しい、と結ばれている。
A copy of a confidential report under joint signature of the Prefectural Governor Nabeshima and the Senior Executive Secretary Hara to both the Minister of the Home Affairs and the Minister of the Finance dated on January 21st, 1881. They thoroughly refuted the slanderous defamation which was spread out among the public about Nabeshima's prefectural administration. And they concluded by pleading an arrangement for their resignations, as they feared that their efforts would come to nothing or they would lose their honor, besides they could not repay the favor from the Imperial Court if the people supported the false rumor.
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『[内務卿・大蔵卿宛 鍋島県令・原書記官連名の「内申」書]〔写〕』原忠順文庫HA026(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/hara_tadayuki/ha02601