[金百五十円下賜の通達] / Notification of granting the sum of 150 yen
明治13(1880)年1月20日付け、職務勉励につき太政官から原忠順へ報奨金150円を下賜する通達。別紙は太政官の罫紙に書かれている事務連絡である。別紙辞令及御達候也/明治十三年一月廿日 太政官書記官/沖縄県少書記官原忠順殿/追而諸書るい差出候也」とある。封筒は、宛名が「沖縄県大書記官原忠順殿/親展」となっていて、内容と合わないので、「昇進の通達」の書状と入れ違いであろう。
Notification of granting the sum of 150 yen from Dajōkan to Hara Tadayuki in appreciation of his services, dated on January 20th, 1880. There is an attached business correspondence on a ruled paper of Dajōkan. It is noted as; "As you will see from the enclosed paper, you receive
an appointment from Dajōkan. On January 20th, 1880, from a Secretary of Dajōkan/to Mr.Hara Tadayuki, a Junior Secretary of Okinawa Prefecture/You need to submit some papers afterward."
On the front of the envelope, there is "to Mr. Hara Tadayuki, a Senior Executive Secretary of Okinawa Prefecture" and it does not correspond the contents, there was probably a confusion with a letter of "Notification of promotion."
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『[金百五十円下賜の通達]』原忠順文庫HA049(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/hara_tadayuki/ha04901