原忠順宛田中馨治書簡 / A letter from Tanaka Seiji to Hara Tadayuki

ハラ タダユキ アテ タナカ セイジ ショカン
Romanaized title
hara tadayuki ate tanaka seiji shokan

高津原村(現鹿島市高津原)在の田中馨治(たなかせいじ)から、東京の悔堂先生(はらただゆき)へ宛てた書簡。封書の宛名は「東京 原従五位様 親展」、差出人は「中川 田中馨治」と記されている。原が内務省勤務時代の明治7(1874)年頃に出されたものか。祐徳社(神社)において4-50人の旧村出身者が騒いでいるのを、田中の属する派が止めたという内容を含む。佐賀県暴動の様子を生々しく伝えた書簡である。田中馨治は原忠順の義弟で沖縄県学務課長や師範学校長を歴任した人物である。公開番号HA082と関係する。


A letter from Tanaka Seiji who lived in Takatsuhara village (Takatsuhara, Kashima-city, present-day) to Mr. Kaidō(Hara Tadayuki) who was in Tokyo. The addressee on the envelope is "Tokyo, to Hara Jugoi sama, Confidential" and the sender is "Nakagawa, Tanaka Seiji." It was probably sent around in 1874 when Hara was working at the Ministry of Home Affairs. Tanaka wrote that his group had stopped a disturbance occurred by a group of 40 or 50 discontented people including some lower-ranking samurai in Yūtokusha (a Shintō shrine). It is a letter which tells us a part of the Saga Rebellion. Tanaka Seiji was a brother-in-law of Hara Tadayuki; he successively held various posts as chief of the educational division of Okinawa Prefecture and a principal of Okinawa normal school. It is related to the file No.HA083.

日本語 / Japanese

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『原忠順宛田中馨治書簡』原忠順文庫HA081(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/hara_tadayuki/ha08101