[宛先不明]原忠順書簡〔下書き〕 / A draft of a letter written by Hara Tadayuki 〔partially〕
The completed year and date are unknown. It is supposedly a part of a draft of a letter written by Hara Tadayuki. He wrote that he could not accomplish his purpose because of illness, however, as only a part of the document remains now, the detail is unknown. The first part of the letter torn can be found with IMAGE NO.HA105. This letter is probably the draft of the message which Hara Tadayuki had sent to 27 or 28 members of National Diet to apologize for his absence and to encourage them to take part in affairs of state.
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『[宛先不明]原忠順書簡〔下書き〕』原忠順文庫HA120(琉球大学附属図書館所蔵), https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/hara_tadayuki/ha12001