新鐫大日本海陸全図:附朝鮮 琉球 / New map of all land and sea in Japan with inserts added for Chōsen and Ryūkyū

Romanaized title
Shinsen Dainihon Kairiku Zenzu:Tsuketari Chōsen Ryūkyū

題簽『新鐫 大日本海陸全図 附朝鮮琉球全図 全』。森琴石(もり・きんせき)・小川新助(おがわ・しんすけ)編著。山中市兵衛(やまなか・ いちべえ)・長野亀七(ながの かめしち)発行。奥付には、明治10年3月23日「版権免許」、出版は同年8月となっている。出版の遅れは、近年の研究によると、距離の計測を編著者が修正したためとされている。明治4(1871)年に出された廃藩置県により、国内には3府72県が置かれたが、実際には本資料のような国郡地図が明治11(1878)年頃まで発行されていた。明治維新後に発行されたもので、「千島諸島之図」「北海道之図」「朝鮮国全図」「日本国全図」「琉球諸島全図」ほかを収録。当時の知識人の領土意識が覗える。編著者の森琴石(1843-1921)は、明治~大正期に活躍した南画家。また銅版画家、響泉堂としても著名であった。長野亀七は幕末から明治にかけ、日本橋で書店を営んでいた人物である。(2017年4月4日更新)


The title is Shinsen Dainihon kairiku zenzu tsuketari Chōsen zenzu zen. Edited and written by Mori Kinseki and Ogawa Shinsuke. Issued by Yamanaka Ichibē and Nagano Kameshichi. On the colophon, there is a note:" Permission to publish granted on March 23rd, 1877,” and it was published in August in the same year. Recent research shows that the reason the publication was delayed is that the authors needed to make corrections to the distance measurements. When the prefecture system replaced the feudal domains in 1871, 3 Fu (special prefectures) and 72 Ken (ordinary prefectures) were established in Japan.. However, maps of old provinces and districts such as found in this document continued to be issued up to around 1878. This map was issued after the Meiji restoration. It contains "Chishima shotō no zu", "Hokkaidō no zu", "Chōsen koku zenzu", "Nihon koku zenzu", " Ryukyu shotō zenzu" and the others. Its contents show us how intellectuals of the time viewed Japan’s territory. Mori Kinseki (1843-1921) the author and editor of this book, was a Nangaka (Nanga: Chinese painting which became popular in Japan during the Edo period) who was active in the Meiji and Taishō periods. Also he was a famous copperplate engraving artist working under the pen name Kyōsendō (Kinseki's pen name). Nagano Kameshichi was a book seller in Nihombashi from the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate through the Meiji period.
(Updated on November 4, 2022)

Statement of Responsibility
日本語 / Japanese


ハワイ大学マノア校図書館管理番号 : HW471

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『新鐫大日本海陸全図:附朝鮮 琉球』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW471, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw471