琉球新誌 図附 下 / New Gazetteer of Ryūkyū with pictures, vol. 2
大槻文彦(おおつき・ふみひこ)著。明治6(1873)年6月発行。本書は『琉球新誌』2冊組のうちの下巻にあたる。封貢・国体・人種・政体・歳計・農工・文教・風俗等を収録している。下巻1頁めに「慶應義塾図書館」「宝玲文庫」「完氏図書」の印記がある。封貢の項に「琉球国王之印」を収載。跋文に「平文彦 記」とあるのは、大槻本人の別名である。(2017年4月6日更新)
Written by Ōtsuki Fumihiko. Issued in June 1873. This book is the second volume of Ryukyu Shinshi. It includes sections on tribute relations, the national structure of the state, race, form of government, an annual account and others. On the first page, there are stamps of "Keiōgijuku toshokan", "Hawley bunko"and "Kan'uji tosho". In the section on tribute relations, there is "a seal of the King of Ryukyu". There is a note of "Written by Taira Fumihiko" in a postscript, which is another name of Ōtsuki himself. (Updated on November 4, 2022)
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『琉球新誌 図附 下』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW473c02, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw47330202