琉球雑話 / Miscellaneous talks about Ryukyu
This book is an introduction to the geography of Ryukyu, edited by Kabō Motoyoshi/Sozen and published by Motoya Hikoemon in 1788. It is a rare book which can be found only in the Sakamaki-Hawley Collection. The first one fourth of the book consists of interviews the author transcribed, and the rest is excerpts from Kai Tsūshōkō (A Study of Commerce with China and Europe), and Oranda Banashi (Dutch Stories). It is one of the first geography books intended for the general public, out of many Ryukyu-related books published during the Edo period. A facsimile copy as well as a honkoku transcription into the modern Japanese writing system, and a brief summary can be found in the book Edoki Ryūkyū Mono Shiryō Shūran (A Collection of Books
and Studies on Ryukyu during the Edo Period).
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『琉球雑話』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW491c1, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw49131