南島遊記 / Account of travels through the southern islands

Romanaized title
Nantō yūki

著者不明。私製本か。折本仕様で見返しに「琉歌満街」とある。「琉球 那覇 波之上宮」「かぎやて風節」「琉球 四ツ竹踊」「首里城外 識名園」「首里城 歓会門」等の彩色画で構成。「かぎやて風節」の頁では「今日の誇らしやは/何にぎやな 譬る/莟で居る花の/露行逢た如/新城安基詠」、「琉球 四ツ竹踊」の頁では「打ちならし*繰*/四ツ竹はならし/今日は御座出で/遊ぶ 嬉しや」の二首が記載されている。


The author is unknown. This is presumably a privately printed book, folded in zigzag fashion. On the inside page of the front cover, written in calligraphy, is the phrase "Ryūka man gai" (Ch., "Liuge man jie"), meaning "flooded with Ryukyuan music." The book consists of colored drawings with titles including, Ryūkyū Naha Nami no Ue Shrine Kajadifū bushi (a dance piece), Ryūkyū Yuchidaki Udui (also a dance piece), Shikinaen Garden, and Shuri Castle Kankaimon Gate. It also includes two Ryukyuan verses: "Kiyunu hukurashaja nauni jana tatiru, Tsibudi wuru hananu chiyu chatagutu" (Today's a joyous occasion, to what can we compared it? It’s like a bud waiting to bloom, touched by the morning dew), and "Uchinarashi narashi yuchidakiwa narachi, Kiyuja uza njiti ashibu urisha" (Clapping and clapping, we play a bamboo clapper. Today, I play for a nobleman. How proud I am!). Translation: Nufani: English Translation of Kumiodori and Okinawan Poetry (2008), written by Komine Naganori

日本語 / Japanese
ハワイ大学マノア校図書館管理番号 : HW556

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『南島遊記』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW556, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw556