琉球俗謠集 上 / A collection of Ryukyuan popular songs vol. 1
This is a privately made, handwritten lyric book of Ryukyuan songs called fushigumi ryūkashū. It consists of three volumes and 564 verses in total. The editor and completion date are unknown. It was revised by Kadekaru Chieko, according to 'Ryūkyū Zokuyōshū': Honbun to Kaisetsu (The Bulletin (kiyō) of Okinawa International University, Japanese Literature)." It is believed to be modeled after Zokuyōshū, which is owned by Kyoto University. Several written notes are added to the book.
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『琉球俗謠集 上』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW562, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw56201