ふしぐみ 琉歌集 / Collection of Ryukyuan songs and verses
The contents of this book can roughly be divided into two parts. The first half is referred to as "Fushigumi Ryūkashū," and the latter half, which starts from the frame number 39, is referred to as "Shinsen Ryūkashū." It is unknown whether this book was originally one book consisting of two parts or a privately compiled edition of two different books or volumes, but it is possibly a republication of Shinsen Ryūkashū, edited by Ōshiro Matsukichi and published by Matsuya Kappansho in 1918. This existing edited version was edited and published by Ōshiro Hikogorō in October, 1918, according to the colophon. Please refer to the summary of HW586 for "Fushigumi Ryūkashū." "Shinsen Ryūkashū" consists of Ryukyuan verses of spring; summer; fall; winter; love; courtesans; and nakafū verses, whose form is a mixture of Ryukyuan and Japanese style.
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『ふしぐみ 琉歌集』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW585, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw585