爛枯柴 逆浪録 上 / Rankoshi Gekirōroku (the history of the Rinzai School, etc.), vol. 1
上巻。本書は日向臨済宗・報恩寺の滄海禅師の『爛枯柴』(龍谷禅寺藏版)を、寛政6(1794)年、友松堂書林(小川源兵衛)が発行。滄海は臨済宗中興の祖、白隱慧鶴の弟子の一人。外題の「逆浪録」即ち逆浪とは、滄海の号である。序文末に記されている「中山王府紫金大夫 毛思温」については不明。内容は、臨済宗の歴史・仏の生涯・歴代僧の年忌ほかについてまとめたもの。(2015年3月31日更新)
The first volume of Rankoshi Gekirōroku,, (the original) was written by Sōkai, a Zen monk at Hōon Temple of the Rinzai School in Hyūga (present-day Miyazaki Prefecture). This is a copy, made from the block, owned by Ryūkoku Zen Temple, and Yūshōdō Shorin (Ogawa Genbē) published it in 1794. Sōkai was a disciple of Hakuin Ekaku, who is regarded as the reviver of the then moribund Rinzai School. The word "gekirō" written on the front cover is a pen name of Sōkai. The details surrounding the notation "Chūzan Royal Government, Shikin Taifu, Mao Siwen (J. Mō Shion)," written at the end of the preface, are unknown. The book describes the history of the Rinzai School, the life of the Buddha, the late monks' anniversary years of death, etc. Shikin Taifu is the highest position among the elite of Kumemura (Village).(Updated on August 3, 2015)
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『爛枯柴 逆浪録 上』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW593, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw59301