御茶屋之御掛物並御額御掛床字写 / Words, sayings, and verses of the scrolls, plaques, and tablets in the East Garden [Uchaya Udun]

Romanaized title
Ochaya no okakemono narabini ongaku okakedoko ji utsushi

上巻。扉題「御茶屋之御掛物並御額御掛床字写」。東苑(御茶屋御殿)に残された歴代冊封使の掛物・額・掛床等の文言を収集。朱字・訓点があり、注釈を試みたものとなっている。また、宜湾朝保ほかの和歌も収載している。扉に「咸豊4(1854)年甲寅臘月写之」とあり、奥付には持ち主と思われる「咸豊7(1857)年弐月中旬 普天間小樽金」の記録がある。(2015年8月4日更新)


The first volume of an anthology of words, sayings, and verses. There is no title written in the cover page, and the title Ochaya no Okakemono narabini Ongaku Okakedoko Ji Utsushi comes from the title written on the inner page. This book contains the words and sayings of Chinese envoys who came to Ryukyu, written on scrolls, plaques, and tablets placed in the East Garden (also known as Uchaya Udun "the Tea House"). Some red notes and reading aids can be found in the book, which indicates that the editor probably attempted to add some notes in the text. The book also includes Japanese verses composed by Giwan Chōho and others. On the inner title page is a note "copied in December, 1854," and on the colophon page at the back of the book are notes "mid-February, 1857," and "Futenmagwā Tarugani," who is probably the former owner.(Updated on August 4, 2015)

日本語 / Japanese


ハワイ大学マノア校図書館管理番号 : HW595(1)

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『御茶屋之御掛物並御額御掛床字写』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW595, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw59501