南山俗語考 巻五 / Minnanyu(閩南語) textbook written by Nanzan, vol. 5
『南山俗語考』は、唐通事(中国語通訳)の養成を目的に作られた中国語学のテキストである。文化11(1814)年発行。五巻と附録全一巻よりなる。薩摩藩主の島津重豪(号:南山)著。和訳は侍臣の曾槃(そはん)、中国音を石塚崔高(いしづかさいこう)が行っている。清代漳州(しょうしゅう)・福州地方の俗語8277語を各部門ごとに収録し、単語の横にカタカナで中国音を記し、下に和訳を記している。薩摩藩に漂着した異国船への対応のため、中国語の通訳の養成は薩摩藩にとって必要なことであった。清代中国南方語音の研究資料として重要である。 巻五は、食物、鱗介、昆虫、走獣、飛禽、草木、馬匹鞌轡、衣飾部門が収録されているはずであるが、本書は落丁と錯簡がみられる。部立ての全体が落丁しているのは、昆虫、走獣、飛禽部である。一部落丁しているのは、草木部の冒頭である。本書には、食物、鱗介、馬匹鞌轡、衣飾部のみが綴られている。(2017年4月6日更新)
“Minnanyu textbook written by Nanzan” is a textbook of the Southern Min dialect, to train Chinese interpreters. Published in 1814. It is composed of 5 volumes and 1 appendix. Written by Shimazu Shigehide, the lord of the Satsuma domain (Nanzan is his pen name [go]). Sohan, one of his vassals, translated the texts to Japanese language and Ishizuka Saikō added Chinese phonetic readings. It contains 8,277 words of the dialect which was used in the region of Zhangzhou and Fuzhou in the era of Qing. The words are divided into categories. Alongside a word, there is a Chinese sound which was written in Katakana and below the word, there is a Japanese translation. It was essential for the Satsuma domain to train Chinese interpreters because they had to deal with foreigners whose disabled ships drifted ashore in the Satsuma domain. This is very important material for phonological research into the language spoken in south China in the era of Qing. The fifth volume should contain sections on "Food", "Seafood", "Insects", "Four-footed animals", "Birds", "Plants", "Saddle and Bit to control a horse" and "Clothing". However, there are some missing pages and pages out of sequence. The sections on "Insects", "Four-footed animals" and "Birds" are missing entirely. And, the section on "Plants" is incomplete. Only the sections on "Food", "Seafood", "Saddle and bit to control a horse", and "Clothing" are complete in the book that we have.(Updated on November 4, 2022)
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『南山俗語考 巻五』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW596, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw59605