琉球封藩事畧 坤 / Ryukyu Domain history digest, vol. 2
内題「琉球封藩事略 巻之下」。明治6(1873)年9月成立。筆写本。原典は外務省の維新外交史編纂業務に従事した坂田諸遠(元秋月藩士、明治維新後は官吏)とされるが、本書は不明。外務省の罫紙使用。外務省印あり。(2015年3月31日更新)
The title written on the inner page is Ryūkyū Hōhan Jiryaku maki no ge. Completed in September, 1873. A hand copy. The author of the original is believed to be Sakata Morotō, a Gaimu Shō (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan) official in charge of editing a reference book regarding foreign affairs during the Meiji Restoration. Sakata had formerly been an officer in the Akizuki Domain, a branch domain of Fukuoka Domain, but became a government official after the Meiji Restoration. However, details about this copy are unknown. The copy is written on ruled paper with a stamp of Gaimu Shō (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan) on the lower middle of the page.(Updated on August 4, 2015)
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『琉球封藩事畧 坤』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW600, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw600