琉球一件(明治十二年十月八日外務卿回咨北京駐箚公使案) / Ryūkyūan Affair (In October 8th, 1879, a draft of the response that a Chief of Foreign Ministry orders to the minister posted in Beijing)

Romanaized title
Ryūkyū ikken(Meiji12nen 10gatsu 8nichi Gaimukyō kaishi Pekin chūsatsu kōshi an)



Ryukyu Ikken is a set of ten printed documents. It is a collection of the diplomatic correspondence between Japan and Qing (China) concerning the Japanese annexation of Ryukyu as the Prefecture of Okinawa. This is the 6th volume. On the book cover, there is "October 8th, 1879, a draft which a Chief of Foreign Ministry orders to the minister posted in Beijing to reply to Qing". Right after the establishment of prefectures in place of feudal domains, the Japanese annexation of Ryukyu became a political issue between Japan and Qing. This document is a material which Terada Munenori, a Chief of Foreign Ministry showed to Shishido Tamaki, a minister plenipotentiary posted in Qing. It is a draft which Japan made in October 8th, 1879 as the reply to the memorandum sent from Qing to Japan(HW601(4)). It is written in Chinese classics. Japan asserted the reasons why they had dominion over Ryukyu; 1) Japan forces a King of Ryukyu Kingdom and Sanshikan (Three administrative officials) to submit an oath every year from 1609(Keichō no Eki) to present; 2) an interpretation of a Sakuho relationship (an investiture) by Japan; 3) the Treaty of Amity between the Ryukyu Kingdom and other countries; 4) the information on the historical documents. There are the written oaths of King Shō tai in May 9th, 1858 and of Ikeshiro Uēkata(Jpn., Oyakata) in May 9th 1859 as an attached reference. (Updated on November 4, 2022)

日本語 / Japanese


ハワイ大学マノア校図書館管理番号 : HW601(06)

引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.

『琉球一件(明治十二年十月八日外務卿回咨北京駐箚公使案)』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW601, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw601006