琉球一件(明治十二年十月十一日按到総理衛門照会) / Ryūkyūan Affair (In October 11th, 1879, a memorandum sent by the Office of Foreign Affairs of Qin)
Ryukyu Ikken is a set of ten printed documents. It is a collection of the diplomatic correspondence between Japan and Qing (China) concerning the Japanese annexation of Ryukyu as the Prefecture of Okinawa. This is the 7th volume. On the book cover, there is "October 11th, 1879, Office of Foreign Affairs sends a memorandum". Right after the establishment of prefectures in place of feudal domains, the Japanese annexation of Ryukyu became a political issue between Japan and Qing. The General Grant who was ex-President of USA has intervened in the political issue of the Japanese annexation of Ryukyu by visiting China and Japan. This document is a memorandum from the Office of Foreign Affairs of Qing to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, it is written in Chinese that Qing wanted to have a discussion between Qing and Japan following the intention of the General Grant. (Updated on November 4, 2022)
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『琉球一件(明治十二年十月十一日按到総理衛門照会)』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW601, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw601007