琉球属和録 十一 / Annexation of Ryukyu to Japan, vol. 11
『琉球属和録』の第11巻。堀麦水の手による写本。「巻之十一」収載。明和3(1766)年刊行。本巻は全15巻の内の第11巻(但しHW609は7巻抜けの14冊である)。なお、目黒将史によると、加賀市立図書館、国立国会図書館には堀麦水直筆の同名書が存在。 また、同書は『薩琉軍記』に幾つかの物語を取り込み、全面的に改編したものであるという(「〈薩琉軍記〉概観」:2010)。堀麦水は江戸中期の俳人・実録作家。加賀の出身。(2015年8月19日更新)
The eleventh volume of Ryūkyū Zokuwaroku. This is a copy made by Hori Bakusui, published in 1766. This copy is the eleventh volume of a 15-volume collection, entitled Ryūkyū Zokuwaroku (but the seventh volume is missing from the Hawley version). According to Meguro Masashi (Satsuryū Gunki Gaiden, 2010), Kaga City Library and National Diet Library also hold the same-titled books, written by Hori. The Hawley print is one that has been completely rearranged, with several different stories added based on Satsuryū Gunki. Hori Bakusui was a mid-Edo period haiku poet as well as a writer from Kaga (present-day Ishikawa Prefecture). (Updated on August 19, 2015)
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『琉球属和録 十一』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW6092, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw609203