御教条 / Articles of instruction
『御教条』は、雍正10(1732)年に琉球王国の摂政(せっしょう)北谷王子、三司官の伊江親方・美里親方・具志頭親方(蔡温)の4人の名で布達された有名な文書である。御教条は蔡温の発案で、豊川親方が起草したといわれている。内容は、近世琉球における実践道徳を明記した教書。国法、生活規範、道義、習俗、冠婚葬祭などを規定している。近世を通して広く人民にも読み聞かせの徹底が図られた。御教条は木版で大量に流布された。本文は行書と草書を並べて記載しているので、筆算稽古所の教科書ともなった。本書は「西村 安慶田子」と持ち主のサインがあり、士族が筆法の勉強のために使っていたと思われる。(2017年4月13日更新)
Gokyōjō is a famous document which was proclaimed in 1732, with Chatan ōji who was a Sesshō of Kingdom of Ryukyu and all three members of Sanshikan, Ie Uēkata, Misato Uēkata and Gushichan Uēkata(Sai On) as co-signers. It is considered that Sai On proposed to produce Gokyōjō and Toyokawa Uēkata drafted it. It is a textbook for teaching the morality in the early modern period in Ryukyu. It stipulates the national law, a life standard, a moral principles, a custom and ceremonial occasions. This book was reading and telling as much as possible among the people through the early modern times. Gokyōjō was printed by woodblock in large numbers and spread in public. Both Gyōsho and Sōsho were written side by side, it also became a textbook in Hissan keiko jo (an elementary school for children of local official). As there is a signature of the owner "Nishimura Ageda shi" in this book, it is considered that this book was used by a descendant of a samurai to study a style of writing. (Updated on November 4, 2022)
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引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『御教条』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW623c, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw62331