経典補註 / Supplementary notes to the Sutras
写本。元文2(1737)年製、「欽撰(きんせん)」執筆は田中藤兵衛(たなか・とうべえ)。室鳩巣(むろきゅうそう)の「五倫名義」・「五常要義」のほか「手習法式」・「書籍礼式」・「学生制誨之式目」等の道徳的修養に関する内容の資料を収載(所々に読み仮名あり)。本文末に当時の所有者と思しき「毛裔氏 宜野座安精」の名前が記されている。(2015年3月31日更新)
A copy.The "Kinsen" (selected verses by an esteemed personage such as an emperor) section was written by Tanaka Tōbē in 1737. It contains sections on moral teachings, such as Gorin Meigi (Five Morals), Gojō Yōgi (Five Good Senses), edited by Muro Kyūsō, and many other articles including "Tenarai Hōshiki" (Manners), "Shoseki Reishiki" (Introduction to Writing), and "Gakusei Seikai no Shikimoku" (Good Student Life), with some kanji reading aids. At the end of the text is a person's name "Mōei-uji (clan) Ginoza Anshō/Ansei, which is probably that of the owner of the book.(Updated on July 31, 2015)
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引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『経典補註』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW627, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw627