南島雑記 全 / Miscellaneous records of a southern island, complete
天保13(1842)年製。作成者不明。本書は、近世奄美大島の民俗誌である。東洋文庫『南島雑話』(名越左源太なごや・さげんた>編著 1984)所収の「Ⅳ 南島雑話 後編」と類似する。東洋文庫本は、幾つかある『南島雑話』写本のうち、永井昌文氏保管本をもとに編纂されたもの。本書は和装本で、表紙外題に直筆で「南島雑記 全」と記されている。複数の写本のうちの、鹿児島大学農学部図書館所蔵本系統の可能性がある。万暦15(1587)年、同35(1607)年、同37(1609)年に発給された辞令書の写しを収録している(21-24コマ)。(2015年8月13日更新)
Completed in 1842. The editor is unknown. This is ethnography of Amami Ōshima in the early modern period. The contents of this book resemble those of the second part of Nantō Zatsuwa, which was published by Tōyō Bunko and edited by Nagoya Sagenta in 1984. Out of several copies of Nantō Zatsuwa , the one published by Tōyō Bunko was edited based on the book owned by Nagai Masafumi. This book is bound in the old Japanese style and on the title of the front cover page is a hand-written note “Nantō Zakki Zen.” Out of several copy groups of Nantō Zatsuwa, this book is presumably in the group owned by The Faculty of Agriculture Library, Kagoshima University (present-day Kagoshima University Library). This book contains copies of writs/letters of appointment, issued in 1587, 1607, and 1609 (Image No. 21-24).(Updated on August 13, 2015)
引用の際には以下の情報を参考にご利用ください。 / When citing materials, please use the following information as a reference.
『南島雑記 全』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW655, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw655