琉虬百花譜 完 / Ryukyu's plants with explanations in Chinese
Written by Tō Seiyū. Completed in 1800. A copy. Contains all the contents of two volumes in one book. Tō was an herbal medicine scholar whose real name was Satō Seiyū. He was invited by Satsuma Domain to conduct a survey of Satsuma and the Ryukyus between 1781 and 1783. This is a book, written based on the data he collected during the survey, covers more than 90 species of plants grown in Ryukyu with explanations added in Chinese. Some copies of the book have drawings at the end (for example, the one owned by National Diet Library), but this one in Sakamaki-Hawley Collection does not have any. (Updated on August 3, 2015)
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『琉虬百花譜 完』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW666, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw666