宮古郡/八重山郡漁業調査書 / Investigation report on the fisheries of the Miyako and Yaeyama District
This is a copy of a survey report regarding fisheries of Miyako and Yaeyama Islands. The author is unknown. The completion date is unknown as well, but since the date "at the end of December, 1913" is mentioned (image No. 52), it must be completed after that date. This material can be found only in the Sakamaki-Hawley Collection. The table of contents and the text were written on ruled sheets of paper bearing the letterhead of "Okinawa Kenritsu Suisan Gakkō" (Okinawa Prefecture Fishery School). On the inner title page is probably the ownership stamp of Kamei Koichi (the fourth principal of the school).The book describes the number of fish and plants caught and products processed, price, the types of fisheries and methods, fishery finance, vacation policies, fishery unions, etc. It also provides information on customs and culture, religion and beliefs, and education. This book is valuable material for understanding the state of fisheries of Miyako and Yaeyama Islands at that time. Based on another copy of the book owned by Okinawa Prefectural Library, it contains some citations from works such as Senzenki Ryūkyūko ni Okeru Minzoku Gainen no Tenkai (Yonaha Jun, Okinawa Bunka Kenkyū 32) and Kindai ni Okeru Chiiki Gyogyō no Keisei to Tenkai (Kataoka Chikashi). (Updated on August 4, 2015)
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『宮古郡/八重山郡漁業調査書』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW668, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw66803