島尻郡座間味村漁業調査復命書 / Investigation report on the fisheries of Zamami Village in the Shimajiri District

Romanaized title
Shimajiri-gun Zamami-son gyogyō chōsa fukumeisho



A copy of a survey report regarding Zamami Village, Shimajiri District. The editor and completion date are unknown, but as to the date, it was presumably completed based on the survey conducted in December, 1912. Although the title on the cover page is Gyogyō Chōsa Fukumeisho (Fishery Survey Report), its coverage includes 26 items, including village budget, village property, taxation, education, customs, and religion. Beside these 26 items, at the end of the book are descriptions of the history of fishery, fishery organizations, fishing tackle and methods, etc. 1) bonito fishery, 2) catching bait fish for bonito fishing, 3) catching suku (juvenile mottled spinefoot) by dragnet on foot, 4) gurukun (double-lined fusilier) fishing, 5) drive fishing, 6) brassy chub gillnetting, 7) net casting for suku fishing, and 8) amitsukae netting (irabuchā [knobsnout parrotfish] gillnetting). The table of contents at the beginning is written on the ruled letterhead of Okinawa Prefecture, but the text is written on the ruled sheets of "Okinawa Kenritsu Suisan Gakkō" (Okinawa Prefecture Fishery School) letterhead. The ownership stamp which appears to be Kamei Koishi's is sealed on both the front cover and the first page of the text.(Updated on August 4, 2015)

日本語 / Japanese


ハワイ大学マノア校図書館管理番号 : HW668(5)

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『島尻郡座間味村漁業調査復命書』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW668, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw66805