那覇糖商組合申合規則及議則附細則 / Regulations and bylaws of Naha Tōshō
Published by Naha Tōshō Kumiai Jimusho (Office of Naha Sugar Production and Business Association) in 1888. A letterpress print. On the cover page is a note "Kaisei" (Revised). It contains the following three sections: 1) Association Regulations (August, 1888), 2) Association Congress Regulations (June, 1888), and 3) Association Bylaws (June, 1888). In 1), there is a note "Article 4 through Article 10 must be added to the Constitution," which suggests that its contents were used as office documents by the officers or members of the association. This book can be now found only in the Sakamaki-Hawley Collection.(Updated on August 6, 2015)
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『那覇糖商組合申合規則及議則附細則』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW678A, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw6781