天保十三年 寅十月 琉球人参府諸事留帳 / Arrangement notes of boat-tracking laborers for Ryukyuan procession, October, 1842, Year of the Tiger
This is a record regarding the Ryukyuan envoys' procession to Edo conducted in 1842. On the front cover is a note "Torikai Nakano-mura, Nishijima Genzaemon, hikae (copy)." More specifically, it contains records regarding tsunahiki ninsoku (boat-tracking laborers), people from villages near the Yodo River who worked as forced labor when the Ryukyuan envoys sailed up on the river. The records include notices addressed from Ōsaka sasshū yashiki rusui (the Satsuma Office Osaka Branch) to the neighboring villages (Sangamaki and Torikai), documents where those villages requested the bugyō (the local official) to give his orders to the other villages (sukegō) for help with the labor duties, etc.(Updated on October 26, 2015)
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『天保十三年 寅十月 琉球人参府諸事留帳』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW689, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw689