袋中和尚之真蹟 / A true autograph of Taichū Oshō

Romanaized title
Taichū Oshō no Shinseki

掛け軸一幅。総裏に「袋中和尚之真蹟 謹而證明焉 法林良玅(妙) 伏見屋藤兵衛蔵宝」と裏書きがある。袋中和尚(1552-1639)は琉球に初めて浄土宗を将来した僧。弁蓮社入観(べんれんじゃにゅうかん)と号し、諱を袋中良定(たいちゅうりょうじょう)と名乗った。1603年来琉し、多くの信徒をえた。尚寧王、儀間真常も帰依している。『琉球神道記』『琉球往来』を著した人物として著名。のち京都へ渡り、檀王法林寺を開いた。裏書きに見える「良妙」は、同寺十二世住職の貞雅良妙(ていがりょうみょう:1730-1767)のことか。本紙の文言の大意は、袋中和尚が聖人(先人)の諸行無常の教えの意義深さを説いたものとなっている。伏見屋、成立年等については未詳である。(2017年4月5日更新)


A hanging scroll. On the back, there is an endorsement which reads: "Hōrin Ryōmyō certifies that this was truly written by Taichū oshō (和尚 = Buddhist priest), and it was a treasure owned by Fushimiya Fujibē." Taichū oshō (1552-1639) was the Buddhist priest who brought Pure Land Buddhism (Jōdoshū) to Ryukyu for the first time. His pen name was Benrenja nyūkan , and his true name was Taichū ryōjō. He came to Ryukyu in 1603, and got a lot of followers. King Shō Nei and Gima Shinjō also took refuge in the Buddha. Taichū is famous as the author of Ryukyu shintōki and Ryukyu Ōrai. He later went to Kyoto, and founded Dan'nō hōrinji temple. The name of "Ryōmyō" on the back of the scroll may be Teiga Ryōmyō (1730-1767) who was the 12th chief priest of Dan'nō hōrinji. The gist of the sentence on this hanging scroll is how the ancestor's teachings like "Shogyōmujō (the impermanence of all things)are significant. Nothing is known about Fushimiya or the year this scroll was completed. (Updated on November 4, 2022)

Statement of Responsibility
日本語 / Japanese
ハワイ大学マノア校図書館管理番号 : HW754

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『袋中和尚之真蹟』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW754, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw754