中国冊封使渡来の時の正・副使及従客と琉球詩人との唱和 / Chinese verses exchanged between Chinese envoys and Ryukyuans
尚温王の冊封のために嘉慶5(1800)年に来琉した正使趙文楷(ちょう・ぶんかい)と副使李鼎元(り・ていげん)、琉球人の楊文鳳(よう・ぶんぽう)、尚循師(しょう・じゅんし)、尚世徳(しょう・せいとく)、尚善栄、毛長芳らの漢詩を墨書したものである。冊封使たちは琉球滞在中、趙文鳳ら琉球人と親しく交流した。冊封使は趙らに詩文を教授し、趙らは冊封使の琉球語彙集の編纂に協力した。李鼎元は楊を「中山第一の学者」と称し、尚循師、尚世徳、尚善栄、毛長芳を「首里の四公子」と呼んだ。本史料は、そうした交流のなかで詠まれた漢詩を収めたものと思われる。 参照:島尻勝太郎「楊文鳳」(『沖縄大学紀要』2、1982年)。(2015年5月26日更新)
This material consists of Chinese verses written in calligraphy by Zhao Wenkai (Jpn., Chō Bunkai), the chief envoy, and Li Dingyuan (Jpn., Ri Teigen), the deputy envoy, who visited Ryukyu for King Shō On's investiture in 1800; as well as by several Ryukyuans, including Yang Wenfeng (Jpn., Yō Bunpō), Shang Xunshi (Jpn., Shō Junshi), Shang Shide (Jpn., Shō Seitoku), Shang Shanrong (Jpn., Shō Zen'ei), and Mao Zhangfang (Jpn., Mō Chōhō). During their stay in Ryukyu, the envoys had personal contact with Ryukyuans such as Yang Wenfeng and enjoyed friendship with them. The envoys taught them about Chinese verses, and the Ryukyuans helped the envoys in making a Ryukyuan wordbook. Li Dingyuan referred to Yang Wenfeng as "the most brilliant scholar in Ryukyu," and called Shang Xunshi, Shang Shide, Shang Shanrong, and Mao Zhangfang "The Four Noblemen of Shuri." Through this personal friendship they had, those Chinese verses included in this material must have been created. Also see: Shimajiri Katsutarō's article, "Yō Bunpō (included in Okinawa Daigaku Kiyō, vol.2, 1982)." (Updated on January 6, 2016)
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