訳注中山伝信録 巻之四 / Record of transmitted facts of Chūzan, vol. 4 with translation and notes
Written by Xu Baoguang (Jpn., Jo Hokō). Translation and notations by Kuwae Kokuei. The organization Ryūkyū Ōdai Bunken Hanpu Kai (President Yara Chōchin) published this book as part of a series of collections of records from Ryukyu Kingdom. This is a mimeograph reproduction of Xu Baoguang (Jpn., Jo Hokō)'s Chūzan Denshinroku with a kakikudashi transcription into medieval Japanese, Japanese translation, and notations. It consists of six volumes in total, but only the first, fourth, fifth, and sixth volumes are available in the Hawley Collection. The fourth volume was published in May, 1940. (Updated on January 13, 2016)
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『訳注中山伝信録 巻之四』阪巻・宝玲文庫(ハワイ大学所蔵)HW788, https://shimuchi.lib.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/collection/sakamaki/hw78802